
The sob story of Nature’s call turning unnatural

aruna-ashokAruna Ashok | 04 Aug 2022
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Overactive Bladder is the urge to urinate often i.e., 6 to 8 times a day and more than twice in the night and sometimes it leads to incontinence (leak of urine). It is not a disease; it is just an urge to urinate urgently and frequently. When some people experience this urge, involuntary loss of urine happens. How the tables have turned!

This affects both men and women equally. Statistics says that 20% of population over the age of 65 years, experience symptoms of Overactive Bladder which includes


The urgent need to urinate that makes you dance and the fear of the inability to control it.

Urge Continence

The loss of urine when the gripping urge takes over.

Do you need a Doctor Consultation?

Spiraling Social Life and Mind

Night life – Needing to urinate in the night, wakes you up from the very essential sleep and it can be very disruptive and unhealthy. Not to say that it will play havoc with your sex-life. Caught your attention, haven’t I?

Travel – Going out can be uncomfortable with the shadow of the urge to urinate hanging around. Travelling to the far and interesting place will stay a pipedream if your bladder doesn’t behave.

Mental Disturbance – People with Overactive Bladder tend to be depressed and anxious. They would be embarrassed to discuss about urge continence if not for the urge to urinate. It can set them apart.

Ways to overcome Overactive Bladder

Restrict intake of fluids (any liquid form consumed with diet) to 1.5 litres – 2 litres per day.

Avoid drinking more than two cups of coffee or tea per day.

Consumption of liquids after 8 PM in the night must be curtailed so as to reduce night time urine production.

Beverages/carbohydrate rich foods must be avoided at bedtime.

Pelvic floor muscle exercises (Kegel’s) must be practiced to enable one to control urination.

Timed emptying of Urinary Bladder every 2-3 hours will limit the volume of urine leaked.