
Away with genetic anomalies

aruna-ashokAruna Ashok | 20 Jan 2023
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For couples wanting to have children, genetic oddities may be a big worry. Both the health of the baby and a person's ability to become pregnant may be affected by these defects.

Although genetic defects might be upsetting, there are therapies that can help couples get beyond these obstacles and begin a family.

If you are wondering how to prevent genetic disorders in pregnancy, we have the right solution for you.

How does PGT testing work?

PGT includes the harvesting of one or two embryonic cells for genetic testing and is done in combination with in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

This makes it possible to spot genetic abnormalities and makes it easier to identify the embryos that stand the best chance of being healthy and viable.

The likelihood of a successful pregnancy is increased by implanting embryos that have no genetic abnormalities.

PGT testing success rates are very high and have the advantage of lowering the chance of passing genetic diseases on to future generations.

Couples who have a history of genetic illnesses in their families or who carry certain genetic abnormalities may find this to be of special importance.

Do you need a Doctor Consultation?

PGT can assist in lowering the danger of passing on genetic abnormalities and raising the likelihood of delivering a healthy baby by identifying healthy embryos and preventing the transfer of embryos with genetic oddities.

In order to create a family and overcome genetic aberrations, it is important to us at A4 Fertility Centre.

Our team of skilled fertility doctors is committed to giving you the finest treatment and will collaborate with you to discover the optimal option.

In conclusion, couples seeking to have a child may be quite concerned about genetic malformations.

Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is a cutting-edge technology that can assist couples in hiding genetic abnormalities and increase the likelihood that their unborn child will be healthy.

We provide a variety of fertility treatments at the A4 Fertility Centre to assist couples in beginning a family. We will work with you to identify the therapy that is best for you.

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