
Different Stages of IVF

aruna-ashokAruna Ashok | 20 February 2023
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In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex assisted reproductive technology (ART) that involves multiple stages, each crucial to the success of the treatment. At A4 Fertility Centre, we understand the importance of staying informed and involved throughout the IVF process. One innovative approach we use to enhance transparency and patient engagement is remote image witnessing (RI witnessing). In this article, we will discuss the stages of IVF and the role of RI witnessing in tracking the progress of your treatment at A4 Fertility Centre.

Stages of IVF

Ovarian stimulation : The first stage of IVF involves administering medications to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. This process usually lasts for 8-14 days and involves regular monitoring through blood tests and ultrasound scans.

Egg retrieval : Once the eggs are mature, a fertility specialist performs a minimally invasive procedure to retrieve the eggs from the ovaries. This is typically done under mild sedation and guided by ultrasound imaging

Fertilization and embryo culture : The retrieved eggs are then combined with sperm in the laboratory to facilitate fertilization. The resulting embryos are cultured for 3-6 days, depending on their development and the clinic's protocols.

Embryo transfer : Once the embryos reach the appropriate stage of development, one or more are selected for transfer into the uterus. This is a minimally invasive procedure performed under ultrasound guidance.

Pregnancy test and follow-up : Approximately two weeks after the embryo transfer, a blood test is performed to determine if the treatment was successful and pregnancy has been achieved.

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Role of Remote Image Witnessing

Remote image witnessing (RI witnessing) is a state-of-the-art technology that allows patients to track the development of their embryos throughout the IVF process. At A4 Fertility Centre, we use RI witnessing to enhance patient engagement and provide a transparent, informative experience. Here's how it works:

Continuous embryo monitoring : Our advanced embryology laboratory is equipped with time-lapse imaging systems that continuously monitor and capture images of the developing embryos.

Secure access : Patients receive secure access to a personalized online portal, where they can view images and videos of their embryos as they progress through the different stages of development.

Communication with the embryologist : The online portal also facilitates communication with the embryologist, allowing patients to ask questions and receive updates on their embryos' progress.

Informed decision-making : Access to real-time information about their embryos' development helps patients feel more involved and informed, enabling them to make educated decisions about their treatment alongside their fertility specialist.

At A4 Fertility Centre, we believe in providing transparent, patient-centered care throughout the IVF process. Remote image witnessing offers a unique opportunity for patients to stay informed and engaged, tracking the development of their embryos and playing an active role in their fertility journey. If you are considering IVF or looking for a fertility clinic that prioritizes patient involvement, contact A4 Fertility Centre to schedule a consultation with one of our expert fertility specialists.