
Patient Testimonials

IVF Success - 83% per month

ICSI Success - 88% per month

IUI Success - 93% per month

Normal Deliveries - 99% per month

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Welcome to A4 Fertility Centre in Tamil Nadu - Your Journey to Parenthood Begins Here

We know that becoming a parent can be hard and hopeful. We're here to give you support and advanced fertility treatments. Our team of experts will guide you.

About Us

A4 Fertility Centre is located in Tamil Nadu. It offers fertility solutions to people who want to have children. Our centre has a good reputation for providing excellent fertility care. We have been helping many people become parents for over 10 years. People in Tamil Nadu trust us for fertility treatments because we are dedicated to being excellent. Our dedicated medical team and advanced technology support this commitment.

Why Choose A4 Fertility Centre?

Experienced Team of Specialists

Our team includes fertility specialists, embryologists, nurses, and support staff. They have many years of experience and expertise in reproductive medicine. We know that every fertility journey is different, so we customize our approach to meet your needs.

Advanced Fertility Treatments

A4 Fertility Centre has the latest fertility technology. You can use this to get effective treatments, like IVF and IUI. We have the tools and knowledge to help you succeed with these techniques.

Personalized Care

We think emotional support is as important as medical treatment when you're trying to become a parent. Our team gives personalized care. We offer guidance, empathy, and a deep understanding of the emotional challenges that can come with fertility treatments.

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Our Services - Our Comprehensive Fertility Services

We offer fertility services at A4 Fertility Centre in Tamil Nadu. Our services are designed for individuals and couples trying to have a baby. We provide excellent care and support using advanced technology. Here are the services we offer:

1. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Description : IVF is a highly effective and widely used assisted reproductive technology (ART). It involves the fertilization of an egg by sperm outside the body, with the resulting embryo being transferred into the uterus. IVF can assist with various fertility issues, such as blocked tubes, male concerns, and unexplained problems.

Why Choose IVF at A4 Fertility Centre :

Expertise : Our experienced team of fertility specialists has a proven track record of success in IVF treatments.

Advanced Techniques : We use the newest IVF methods. These include intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). They help improve your chances of getting pregnant successfully.

2. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Description : IUI is a fertility treatment. It is less invasive. The treatment involves placing washed sperm directly into the uterus. This happens during the woman's fertile window. It is often recommended for couples with mild male factor infertility, unexplained infertility, or for single women using donor sperm.

Why Choose IUI at A4 Fertility Centre:

We closely track your cycle to time the IUI procedure correctly, increasing the chance of fertilization. We understand the emotional side of fertility treatment, and our team gives caring support during the IUI process.

3. Egg Freezing

Description : Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, is a technique that allows women to preserve their fertility by freezing their eggs for future use. This option is ideal for women who want to delay childbearing due to personal or medical reasons.

Why Choose Egg Freezing at A4 Fertility Centre:

Fertility Preservation Experts : Our centre specializes in fertility preservation, ensuring that you receive the best care and guidance during the egg freezing process.

Cutting-Edge Cryopreservation : We utilize advanced freezing techniques to protect the viability of your eggs for future use.

4. Fertility Preservation

Description : Fertility preservation is essential for individuals facing medical treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation, that may impact their fertility. We offer options like egg or embryo freezing to help preserve your fertility before undergoing these treatments.

Why Choose Fertility Preservation at A4 Fertility Centre :

Urgent Care : We understand the urgency of preserving fertility before critical treatments, and our team is equipped to expedite the process.

Comprehensive Support : Our fertility preservation programs are designed to provide emotional support and comprehensive care during a challenging time.

5. Surrogacy

Description : Surrogacy is an option for individuals or couples who are unable to carry a pregnancy themselves. A gestational carrier is used to carry the pregnancy to term. We facilitate the entire surrogacy process, ensuring a safe and legally compliant journey to parenthood.

Why Choose Surrogacy at A4 Fertility Centre :

Expert Guidance : Our experienced team will guide you through the legal, medical, and emotional aspects of surrogacy.

Safe and Legal Process: We prioritize the safety and well-being of all parties involved, adhering to all legal and ethical standards.

6. Diagnostic Services

Description : We offer a range of diagnostic services to pinpoint the cause of fertility issues, including comprehensive hormonal assessments, semen analysis, and ultrasound examinations.

Why Choose Diagnostic Services at A4 Fertility Centre:

Accurate Diagnosis : Accurate diagnosis is the first step towards effective treatment, and our diagnostic services are designed to provide precise insights into your fertility health.

Streamlined Treatment Planning : Our team uses diagnostic results to create personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs.

7. Psychological Support

Description : We recognize the emotional challenges that often accompany fertility treatments. At our center, we provide support to help you with your emotional journey.

Why Choose Psychological Support at A4 Fertility Centre:

Emotional Well-being : Our dedicated counselors provide a safe space to address the emotional challenges you may face during your fertility journey.

Holistic Care : We believe that emotional well-being is an integral part of your overall health, and we offer holistic care that includes psychological support.

At A4 Fertility Centre in Tamil Nadu, we understand that your journey to parenthood is unique. We offer a wide range of fertility services to help you make informed decisions and receive the support and expertise you need. If you need help with fertility treatments or preserving your fertility, our team can assist you. Contact us today, and let's embark on this transformative journey together. Your dream of parenthood begins here.

Patient Success Stories

At A4 Fertility Centre, we take immense pride in the stories of hope and joy that have unfolded within our walls. Although we highly value our patients' privacy, we are happy to share inspiring success stories. These stories showcase the strength and determination of our patients.

A Journey of Strength : A couple went through infertility. They were determined and faced challenges. They had a child in the end. Their story shows how people can overcome difficulties and the support from A4 Fertility Centre.

Solo Parenthood Realized : For a single parent, the dream of parenthood may seem like a daunting endeavor. Through the marvels of IVF, one individual's dream became a reality. Their story serves as an inspiration to those who embark on the journey of solo parenthood.

Overcoming Adversity : Faced with the adversity of a cancer diagnosis, one survivor's desire to become a parent remained unwavering. They received help from A4 Fertility Centre to navigate the difficult process of preserving fertility. Today, they are not only a survivor but also a parent, showcasing the resilience of the human spirit.

These stories embody the ethos of A4 Fertility Centre, where dreams are cherished, hope is kindled, and miracles manifest every day. While the names remain undisclosed, the spirit of these narratives illuminates the boundless possibilities and enduring hope that our centre fosters.

Your Journey Begins Here

Starting your fertility journey can be exciting and challenging. At A4 Fertility Centre in Tamil Nadu, we want to assure you that you are not alone. Our caring team is here to support you throughout the process. No matter where you live, you can start your journey to becoming a parent with us. We give excellent care, use advanced technology, and give personal attention to ensure you get the best treatment.

Explore Tamil Nadu

As you begin your fertility journey with us, you can also take the chance to discover the beauty of Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu is well-known for its culture, landmarks, and natural beauty, which create a calm and exciting atmosphere.

Historical Treasures : Visit the awe-inspiring temples of Madurai, the UNESCO-listed Chola temples of Thanjavur, and the colonial heritage of Chennai.

Cultural Experiences : Immerse yourself in the vibrant traditions, music, dance, and cuisine of Tamil Nadu. Don't miss the opportunity to savor local delicacies.

Natural Beauty : Explore the serene Nilgiri Hills, relax on the pristine beaches of the Tamil Nadu coastline, and take a journey through lush tea plantations.

Contact Us

Your journey to parenthood begins here at A4 Fertility Centre in Tamil Nadu. Contact us today to start your journey towards becoming a parent. Our team is ready to answer your questions, guide you, and support you. We are honoured to be a part of your unique journey, and we look forward to helping you build your family.

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  • 1. What is the top fertility hospital in Tamil Nadu ?

    The best fertility hospital in Tamil Nadu is A4 Fertility Centre in Chennai. It's famous for its advanced treatments and high success rates.

  • 2. How much does IVF cost in Tamil Nadu ?

    The price of IVF in Tamil Nadu can change. It depends on the clinic you pick. Also, it depends on the treatment plan you must and any extra services you might want. At A4 Fertility Centre in Chennai, the cost of IVF ranges from INR 80,000 to INR 1,25,000.

  • 3. Which IVF clinic is consider the best in Tamil Nadu ?

    A4 Fertility Centre in Chennai is consider the best IVF clinic in Tamil Nadu. The hospital is well-known for its great care for patients. They use advanced technology and have high success rates in fertility treatments.

  • 4. What is the success rate of IVF procedures in Tamil Nadu ?

    The success rate of IVF procedures in Tamil Nadu can vary among clinics. A4 Fertility Centre in Chennai has high success rates. This is because of its skilled medical team, modern facilities, and personalized treatments.

  • 5. Which hospital is recommended for IVF treatments in Tamil Nadu ?

    A4 Fertility Centre in Chennai is often recommended for IVF treatments in Tamil Nadu. A4 Fertility Centre in Chennai is a good place for people who need help getting pregnant. They have modern facilities, skilled doctors, and good success rates. It's a top choice in the region.

  • 6. Who is the leading doctor for infertility treatments in Tamil Nadu? ?

    Dr. Aruna Ashok is a famous fertility doctor at A4 Fertility Centre in Chennai. He's the top choice for infertility treatments in Tamil Nadu. Dr. Aruna Ashok has helped many couples become parents with his skills and hard work.

  • 7. Which ivf clinic has the highest success rate in tamilnadu ?

    A4 Fertility Centre in Chennai has one of the best success rates for IVF treatments in Tamil Nadu. A4 Fertility Centre has top-notch facilities and a skilled team. They give special care to each couple, which helps them get pregnant through IVF.

  • 8. How much money do I need for ivf treatment in tamilnadu ?

    The price of IVF treatment in Tamil Nadu changes based on a few things. It depends on the clinic, the treatments needed, and any extra services. At A4 Fertility Centre, they have clear prices. They also make treatment plans that fit each person's needs and budget.

  • 9. How do I choose a good fertility clinic in tamilnadu ?

    When choosing a fertility clinic in Tamil Nadu, consider several factors. Check the success rates. Look at the skill of the medical team. Consider the quality of facilities. Read patient reviews. Check what services they offer. A4 Fertility Centre in Chennai excels in all these areas. It is a top choice for couples seeking fertility treatment.

  • 10. What is the most effective treatment for infertility in Tamil Nadu ?

    In Tamil Nadu, the best treatment for infertility is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). A4 Fertility Centre in Chennai has high success rates with IVF. It is a top choice for couples seeking effective infertility treatments.